Thursday, June 8, 2017

Winding up a very full year-- Last visit with Good Samaritan, Nez Perce Historical Park, Portfolio Work Evaluation, Morning Meeting, Field Day

 Ms. Lorna of Good Samaritan directs the activities that the 4th Grade did with the residents. The kids learned about the 'Decoration Day' memories that were shared, we sang Happy Birthday to all the May people--old and young. Once again, the kids get so much from socializing with the residents. We look forward to working with Good Samaritan again next year.

Ms Lorna made wonderful butter cookies.

Carefully putting together a May Basket to give. 

Learning the oral history to construct a tee pee. 

Ms. Vivian taking the kids through the sequence of how the oral tradition is told through steps to get children to learn how to set up a tee pee.

Having a fun time as we all squished into the tee pee!

The woven hats worn by women leaders of the Nez Perce Tribe.

Ms. Jenny, a member of the Nez Perce Tribe and ranger at the Park, showed the kids how to fish using a traditional tool. 

Walking to lunch in the park. We went a little over a 1/4 of a mile to a beautiful area that was the Spaulding Mission site. The kids played Zombie Tag there. 

4th and 5th grade in front of the museum with the backdrop of the prairie hill behind them. We are in Lapwai which is the Nez Perce's homeland- reservation.

Teacher Fu starting the program of 4th, and 5th graders to share what they learned this year in Chinese class and then the teachers of the Confucius Institute performing their talents and skills. 

End of the year Portfolio evaluation. The kids chose 2 pieces of work from each quarter. One was to represent an example that they could see areas to improve and make the work stronger and better. The other example was work that they were proud of as is. They shared this work with their job partner in typical cooperative learning activity after they finished.

Chosen by classmates, these students were appreciated for consistently displaying the best parts of being a student.

THE MOST Reading Logs!!--21 for the year! Reading is the number one way to do better in school and life. 40 minutes of sustained reading each day for a 4th grader is required, outside of school  day hours.

Balloon toss at Field Day

Preparing for kickball

Choosing kicking order and figuring out who will play which position

Wrap of of a very fun Field Day for K-5