Monday, April 17, 2017

Examples of Art and Social Science, Morning Meeting led by students, Palouse Science Discovery Center

The work from Social Studies combined responses to a journal of a young girl
who traveled on the Oregon Trail. The kids responded and
then chose sentences or thoughts to be shared in a  1840 U.S. map
that they drew freehand to display the date on one side, the thoughts on the other.
They also included a few items people took or used on the Oregon Trail Trip.
There were several rough drafts and the goal to show emotion to factual information.
This piece was also used in the Student Led Conferences. The response of the parents was
very interesting for the kids.

Using a tuning fork to create vibration.
With the Kindergarten and 3rd Grade, we travel to the Palouse Science Discovery Center. For the 4th grade, I chose the Sound Demonstration to have the kids learn about wavelengths and the way to show/prove something that you can't see. That is the science of Physics and relates to understanding the electromagnetic spectrum too that we will look into in the quarter as the Solar System is explored.

Does air have power?
Finishing up our body systems unit-- Yay and thank you to Nurse
Mickey of Latah Co. Health and Nurse Shannon of Gritman Medical Center. They explained so much and really helped the kids learn how to be healthy. Knowing that all these systems work together is the key.
Freehand drawing of the digestive system. We also
learned about dental health. The kids got toothbrushes and
information on size of portions and a tool to know how much energy they are burning.

 Student Led Morning Meeting

Synergy-- The Field Trip to The UI Dairy Center with preparation in Science, using the transportation system and the fantastic tour from the UI Dairy Center Personnel
The definition of  Synergy