Off to the Library! |
The kids were ready and had communicated all the details to their parents about the trip to the Library through the Planner--well done--Raise the Roof. They did a great job getting signatures on the schedule, making sure to have lunch and were outfitted with their note catchers and partners.
The goals of this trip were to learn about our library and check out a fiction and non fiction book. The fiction could be their choice and the non fiction had to be related to plants which we are writing an expository piece with. Almost all the class remembered their library cards!
Ms. Julie starts the tour in the Non Fiction room and then into groups we go. |
We met Ms. Julie, who is the Librarian for the Juvenile Section and she did a thorough job of explaining the history of the library and how resources are cataloged-yes!!--we talked about the Dewey Decimal System. Then the kids got to see how books and other resources are brought into the main branch and see how all these materials get distributed to other branches. They found out that 1100 items are processed each month. That is a good math question we get to focus on. She told them how to order materials, drop off books and understand that the library is so available for them. The kids were curious and had plenty of time to find what they wanted to read.

We traveled on the city bus and for this group--a new experience for a lot. One of the tasks to capture in notes was to write 2 observations going and returning. They also took down sketches and did labeling of places on the tour that they thought were really interesting. We'll talk about and collect in a data set. The third page was to write down the title, author, copyright, and publisher of their books.
Gavin's Dad joined us and the 401 UI student, plus our student teacher Kelly Strawn. It was a very wonderful day of learning and being out and about.

When we got back to school the kids evaluated their behavior based on the PBIS matrix for fieldtrips. Of the 5 areas, they only scored themselves as worthy of a token for 1, which was an honest reflection. They are learning to talk about how to improve actions and not just what not to do. Then, we appreciated our partners. We got out the dictionaries and looked up the work appreciate. Big Light Bulbs. :}
Then, I started a sentence for them to express appreciation to their partner and to find three things or reasons. After, they shared with their partner, exchanged papers and these were stapled into their Planners as the TBaA.
Finishing up notes from the day--reviewing and revising. |
Overthe past two weeks-- Everyone made the berry ink and then it dried up so I bought some ink at Micheal's and kids have been bringing in quills and the kids are using them during Cursive and Grammar time. |